Cancelled!! – Wörthersee 2022 Car Meet

14 November, 2021


Posted in: News, Upcoming Shows

Wörthersee Treffen cancelled for third year in a row

It looked so good, finally after missing out 2 years in a row there would be another Wörthersee Treffen in Reifnitz, Austria. We we re already planning our route, checking accommodation and deciding if there would be some alterations to the cars for the new season. The fun was short lived;  unfortunately this press statement was issued on the official Wörthersee Treffen website. The statement basically says that after careful consideration with the County of Maria Wörth and representatives of Volkswagen, it was decided to cancel the 2022 edition of the Wörthersee Meeting.

VW Team at the Wörthersee in 2015
VW Team at Wörthersee 2015

Interesting detail in the last few lines of text states disrespectful behavior of “Tuning Fans” from predominantly “other brands” have played a factor in this decision. See the following quote:

Eindringlicher Appell an respektlose Tuningfans:
Es scheint nötig zu sein, ein wirklich heikles Thema auf den Punkt zu bringen: das Verhalten von respektlosen bzw. unbelehrbaren Tuningfans. Diese „falschen“ Fans, durchaus mit überwiegendem Anteil an „fremden Automarken“ könnten dafür sorgen, dass es keine Bewilligung der Behörden mehr für das offizielle GTI-Treffen geben wird.

Translated the statement is as follows:

Urgent appeal to disrespectful tuning fans:
It seems necessary to get to the heart of a really sensitive issue: the behavior of disrespectful or unteachable tuning fans. These “false” fans, with a predominant proportion of “foreign car brands”, could ensure that the authorities no longer approve the official GTI meeting.

What this disrespectful behavior is we do not know, drop us an email of you do, we’d love to hear from you.

If there will be another Event in Reifnitz will for now remain a question. In this article from an Austrian newspaper, the founder of the Wörthersee Treffen announced after 38 years of organizing the event, he is pulling out. The reason he states is the ongoing climate issues and change away from fossil fuels to electric vehicles. We can only hope that things change in 2022 and that we can enjoy another wonderful event in 2023. For now we have to do it with the pictures and video’s from the past.

Wörthersee 2015 After Movie © VW Team de Snippeling

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Article written by Founder

Founder | Content creator | MK1 & Corrado Owner

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